Dear brethren, The Peace of God, Amen.

The Ministry hereby informs the brethren that some adjustments to the Holy Services time in Jannali and changes to the children’s meeting were decided at the Ministerial Meeting, and will be commencing in January 2025.

Therefore, from 01/05/2025 the services in Jannali will be:

  • 1st Sunday of the month: There will be NO Youth and Children’s Meeting and there will only be an Official Holy Service starting at 10:00 am. (The service will preferably be conducted in Portuguese. Hymns are sung in English).
  • 2nd Sunday of the month: There will be NO Official Holy Service and there will be a Youth and Children’s Meeting starting at 10:00 am. (The service will preferably be conducted in English. Hymns are sung in English).
  • 3rd Sunday of the month: Local music rehearsal at 9:00 am and Official Holy Service at 10:30 am. (The service will preferably be conducted in English. Hymns are sung in English).
  • 4th Sunday of the month: There will be NO Official Holy Service and there will be a Youth and Children’s Meeting starting at 10:00 am. (The service will preferably be conducted in Portuguese. Hymns are sung in English).
  • 5th Sunday of the month: There will be NO Youth and Children’s Meeting and there will be only a Mixed Service starting at 10:00 am. (When available. The service will preferably be conducted in Portuguese. Hymns are sung in English).

Children’s Meeting from January will be held every Saturday starting at 6:00pm at the address: 218 Blues Point Road, North Sydney 2060. (room behind the Chinese Bilingual Christian Church building). (Parents should drop their children off in the room before 6:00 pm and go to the service and pick up their children from the room after the service is over.)

The Holy Services in North Sydney will NOT undergo any changes and will take place every Saturday at 6:00 pm.  

If you have any questions, please contact your local Ministry.

Of those who love you in Christ.

The Ministry.